Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hubbel Thoughts

I have been working on, "Hubbel Employed" for a number of years. (since 2003)
Is is basically a story revolving around characters in an office setting. The story also explores their outside relationships, friendships and personal lives.

Over the years, I have seen similar "office" type comics, stories and television shows and have wondered if there is too much "office" type media out there. I have wondered about being labeled a copycat or trying to follow trends. My answer is simply this...

I have been inspired to write this comic regardless of what media is out there. I don't follow those shows or comics because I want to make sure that my ideas are fresh and new based solely upon my own life experience.

This comic is meant to be fun, entertaining and at times, very politically incorrect.

I make no apologies.

We live in a world that is carnal on steroids. We are a society driven by passions, appetites, and a drive to outdo, out perform, and over indulge. I have decided to add to this societal phenomenon by exposing "us" in comic book form, caricaturized by parallel characters. My hope is that one can hopefully relate to at least one of the characters.

Hubbel has been my passion for many years, and now I am at a point where I would like to start sharing it with friends, family, and whoever else is interested in knowing about a small insignifcant creation in my own little world, what I think, and where my heart is.

One might ask, "Which character are you?", "Which character is your alter ego?", or "Which character is most like you?". My response would be this.


I am sure that those who follow this blog will see the comic evolve over time, change in small or big ways and take on a life of its own. Maybe a blog isn't the best place to start, but I have to start somewhere.

I really do have something to say in this world. I have chosen to speak my mind through art, music and stories. I have no agenda. I have no propoganda. I just want to express what I feel and think and have chosen to do it through characters I have created in my own little Gondwana world.

I really hope that you will read and enjoy, "Hubbel Employed".

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